Southwestern College

Transforming Consciousness through Education

Current Giving Priorities

Annual Fund

provides essential, flexible support for year-round operations and programs

New Earth Institute

 enhances and sustains credit and non-credit continuing and community education

Tierra Nueva Counseling Center

provides mental health services to individuals in need, particularly communities
facing barriers to accessing care

Student Scholarships & Support

reduces cost of attendance and increases access to SWC degree programs

Facilities, Grounds, & Sustainability

supports the long-term upkeep, improvement, and expansion of our physical environment

Alumni & Lifelong Learners

 partially underwrites specialized alumni programming, events, and communications

Not ready to give? Need more information?

We understand that every giving decision is unique. Let us know how we can help you make yours.


Empowering compassionate leaders and building a connected community.

©2024 Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM An equal opportunity college